Capability Brown was a real person

Capability Brown

Capability Brown

I am a Stay-At-Home Mother who loves reading, food, my husband,  our children and dog but not necessarily in that order.  We live in a suburb of Boston and have the usual busy and active lives.  I am someone who likes to read everything and have always been this way. If I could figure out a way to be paid for reading, I would.  When I was thinking up blog names, I got stuck on Capability.  I don’t know why it resonated with me – it just did – er, does. When I remembered that there is a person named Capability Brown, I still liked it, even though, Thank God, I do not look remotely like him.

Lancelot “Capability” Brown  (from wikipedia) (1716 – 6 February 1783), more commonly known as Capability Brown, was an English landscape architect.  Although I have no particular gift or background in landscaping, I was sure I wanted the word in my title.  I also like words. Okay, geek alert. I used to read the dictionary. Really. So…

 ca·pa·bil·i·ty   –noun,plural-ties. 1. the quality of being capable; capacity; ability: His capability was unquestionable.

2. the ability to undergo or be affected by a given treatment or action: the capability of glass in resisting heat.

3. Usually, capabilities. qualities, abilities, features, etc., that can be used or developed; potential: Though dilapidated, the house has great capabilities. 

1580–90; (< MF capabilité) < LL capābili(s) capable + -ty

So that is why I am capability mom. I also like to think I am, in fact, capable.

4 responses to “Capability Brown was a real person

  1. Meryl

    You are Capability Mom because you are always prepared. In fact, you have a Girl Scout badge to prove it. You need to photograph the patch and put it up on your blog to establish your street cred in the capability department.

  2. Lou

    Love your blog. Good for you for doing something that is all you and sharing it with all the rest of us.

  3. Great post. The same reason I share the Capability name! You are smoking this blog! Look how far you’ve come and how customized your page is. I hope to be there too soon, trying to figure out HTML, tricks, feeds etc. You go Capability Mom you go girl!

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